Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Eldridge - Blog 12

Charles & Ray Eames, 1956
670 Lounge Chair

Another common chair designed by Charles and Ray Eames that people might recognize is the 670 lounge chair and ottoman. It was designed in 1956 and is made so the user sinks into the chair. This is something my father would own but I would not. As I complained about in an earlier post, I have a bum back and these types of seats don't support me properly. Additionally, trying to get out of this char is a pain in the rear. It looks like is it built for reading back when people actually read books. I could not use this in an office nor would it look appropriate in the living room. Overall the design is seriously dated and it would only appeal to old people. It isn't ugly though. It just isn't useful, just like old people. 



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